Activate Your Service

Billing details

Payment Options

  • TEST MODE ENABLED. In test mode, you can use the card number 4242424242424242 with any CVC and a valid expiration date or check the Testing Stripe documentation for more card numbers.

Secured Purchase
* You can select wearing options like the belt & undershirt at a discounted price to be shipped with your kit after submitting your order. Your subscription is a one-year contract with a risk-free trial for the first 30 days.
AngelSense Upgrade Offer

(Select device upgrade after purchase)

Annual Plan

Save $60.00 Compared to the
Monthly Plan!

Service PlanSave with annual payment $539.88
Free Until

Order Total (USD) With the annual plan, you enjoy a one-time upfront payment for the full year at a discounted rate of $0.00 * 12 months   $0.00

Annual Billing will begin 09-06-2024

30-DAY Money Back Guarantee