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Wearing Options & Tips

The AngelSense GPS Tracker is able to be worn comfortably by children, teens and adults of all ages and all of our wearing options are suitable for those with sensory sensitivity. We offer several non-removable wearing options that come in a variety of sizes and styles to fit your individual needs.


Check out our current Wearing Options (new and improved options are being added all the time).




Getting Started with AngelSense Wearables

Most children, and older ‘angels’, get used to wearing the device fairly quickly. It’s usually helpful to explain why the device is important and take the time to establish a gradual routine of wearing it. Most of the children who wear the AngelSense device feel more secure and more independent, and quickly adjust to having it added to their daily routines.  


Below, we offer guidance for the more challenging scenarios – children with significant sensory issues and obsessive behavior. In such cases, it is important to follow a very gradual and methodical process to establish the routine of wearing the device. A successful first experience is key. Of course, you know best what will work well for your loved one, so use your judgment when you choose a method to establish the wearing routine.


Before attaching the device to clothing or a backpack, consider carrying the device yourself while your child is with you. Show them the pictures from the locations visited and explain how the device allows you to see where they are and keep them safe. It’s also helpful to establish a sense of ownership by referring to the device as theirs. The objective is to show your child the benefits of using the AngelSense GPS device before introducing a change in their routine.


Our Customer Care Team understands the challenge of getting your special needs child used to wearing AngelSense, because they already went through it with their own children! They have many useful tips and are always happy to help. 


Below are a few tips to help you get started and we also recommend the blog post from an AngelSense mom about how she helped her son Isaak who has autism get used to wearing our device – There’s a link to the post below as well as a link to print out the reward chart that is included in your guardian kit.  


Step-by-Step Tips for Wearing AngelSense


  1. Make sure the device is fully charged.

  2. Whether you’re using the AngelSense Belt, Undershirt, or the protective sleeve included in your guardian kit, attach the device before putting it on your child. Preparing the article of clothing prior to wearing usually reduces the stress of introducing something new. 

  3. When using the protective sleeve, parents usually attach the device inside a pant’s pocket or somewhere else that is non-obstructive and easy to get used to. Another option is on the waistline on the back of their pants or skirt or wherever a pocket would generally be. See tips for girls

  4. Once again explain how the device is for you to know where they are and to help keep them safe. In our experience, most children understand this message. 

  5. Next, you can go into another room and activate the voice feature to show them how they can hear and/or speak with you. If they are able, you can also show them how they can press the SOS button to let you know that they want to speak with you. The more they understand about the device, how it works, and why it’s important, the more they will embrace wearing it. 

  6. For the first few wearing attempts, watch how your child reacts. Do they try to remove it? Are they having any issues sitting, running, going to the restroom, etc? Do they seem comfortable? Take note and make any necessary adjustments during the next attempt. 

  7. Consider a reward system and gradual use of the device. Start with a short period, even just a few minutes during an activity that makes them happy, and gradually increase the wearing time.

  8. Be patient and give your child time to get used to the device. It can sometimes take a couple of weeks for children to fully adjust to their new routine. 

  9. Once you are comfortable with their ability to comfortably wear the device for extended periods, and during different types of activities without distraction, you can send your child to school with it and begin regular use.

  10. A reward chart is included in your device kit and can be a helpful way to integrate AngeSense into your child’s daily routine. 

  11. Consult with your ABA or Occupational Therapist if needed.

BLOG POST: How to Build a Routine to Wear AngelSense Daily

Wearing AngelSense daily is key to achieving the highest level of preventative safety. Following this gradual and consistent process to establish and maintain a daily routine, works!

BONUS: Printable Reward Chart

AngelSense Reward Chart Set

*Belts and Undershirts are available for purchase separately. Accessories may only be purchased by current customers. See: Buying accessories


AngelSense GPS Tracker Device

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